Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 6 task 1 History of all Halloween's Eve


2000 years ago, the Celts celebrated new year on November 1. They thought that day was once a year season of life and season of death, so the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. They made a big fire for celebrated and to help protect them during the coming winter, and they wore costume. It is a Halloween's origins story. Now, Halloween is known to a lot of people. The proceed is billions dollars as Halloween season.

I like Halloween, but I think people should notice that drink a lot...like me...
but I like wear costume and drink♡ I had a good time, and I saw a lot of funny people.

commemorate(V) to remind people of an important person or event from the past with a special action or object.
bonfires(n) a large outdoor fire for burning waste of as part of a celebration.
extinguish(V) put out

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