Monday, November 17, 2008

Week8 task2 Tourism in New York

I have a reason that I chose this video because I'll go to NY in winter vacation.
My bestfriend's family'll visit NY at Countdown.

The hotel has 2thousands rooms.This is huge building, and also they have shopping mall. It's nice for me.


convention: kind of meeting

Week8 task1 Healthy Families

The Healthy Families Program is designed to fill the gap for those who are off welfare, but not earning enough to afford private health insurance.
The state has expended considerable effort and expense to get the working poor to enroll in the Healthy Families Program. The cost for coverage is modest, up to $7.00 a month per child.the Healthy Families Program would be expanded so that a family of three with an annual income under $21,000 would pay no monthly premium.


afford:to have enpugh money or time to be able to buy or do something.
expende: to use or spend a lot of time, money, energy and so on.
accustomed : familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual
proposal: idea

Week7 task3 Seattle attempts to clean up Belltown

The people attemped to clean the Belltown.
It looks pretty bad. Many pople take drugs in here, so police shot down as well.
Many restaurants are affected, too.
I think it is good plan for city, and Broadway is not clean, so people should clean up Broadway, too...


attempt: an act of trying to do something
brightly: looks like shiny

Week7 task2 The Last Samurai

This movie is my favorite movie, and nice many actors, many nice scenes and sounds.
I think it is perfect.
This story is...
Captain Nathan Algren (TOM CRUISE) He is Katsumoto (KEN WATANABE), the last leader of an ancient line of warriors, the venerated Samurai, who dedicated their lives to serving emperor and country.
The paths of these two warriors converge when the young Emperor of Japan, wooed by American interests who covet the growing Japanese market, hires Algren to train Japan's first modern, conscript army. But as the Emperor's advisors attempt to eradicate the Samurai in preparation for a more Westernized and trade-friendly government, Algren finds himself unexpectedly impressed and influenced by his encounters with the Samurai. Their powerful convictions remind him of the man he once was.

Please watch it!!!
It's very nice movie.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week7 task1 Obama's Victory Speech

I'm glad about Obama becomes president. I like him, he is smart, he has a lot of energy and responsibility. He also talk about the Global Warming. It is very big problem for us, so we must do something right now. I believe that he can do that. However I worry about one thing. Im watching 24 which is murder the black first president story, so Obama is a first black president, I worry about him.


generation: a group of people of similar age involved in a particular activity
opportunity: good time
victory: win a game
brave: not afraid, kind of strong people

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week 6 task 3 Good Growing: Have a safe and health Halloween

Halloween is big event for kids, but sometimes dengerous...
Trick for treat
1.Eat nutritions dinner before trick or treating.
2.For smaller kids use smaller trick or treat bags they fill.
3.Older kids buy back candy.
4.Always ckeck all candy before.

I love candy, so if I am kids, I eat candy all time as Halloween season.
It's dengerous, and I can't eat meal...

recognize(V) to admit or to be aware that something exists or is true.
independence(n) freedom from political control by other countries.

Week 6 task 2 Dracula

The Dracula suck blood of people. Druck means father's name.
Its a terrible story. I was scared this story. What do you think about this story??
Do you believe??
I believe 50%... but I think there are many ghosts in the world.

suspect(V) to wonder
desire(V) a strong wish to have or do something

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 6 task 1 History of all Halloween's Eve

2000 years ago, the Celts celebrated new year on November 1. They thought that day was once a year season of life and season of death, so the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. They made a big fire for celebrated and to help protect them during the coming winter, and they wore costume. It is a Halloween's origins story. Now, Halloween is known to a lot of people. The proceed is billions dollars as Halloween season.

I like Halloween, but I think people should notice that drink a me...
but I like wear costume and drink♡ I had a good time, and I saw a lot of funny people.

commemorate(V) to remind people of an important person or event from the past with a special action or object.
bonfires(n) a large outdoor fire for burning waste of as part of a celebration.
extinguish(V) put out

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week4 task3

Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven

This song was written by Eric Clapton for his son. His son dead when he was 4 yeas old. He tumble from apart. His apart was 53 floor. Eric Clapton loved him so much, so he was terribly shocked, and he retired.

However, he succeeded to get over sorrow through made this song.

This song is so nice!!, and be hurted...

This song is filled feeling of Eric Clapton for his son.

Let's listen!!!!

Week4 task2

Hilary Duff "So Yesterday"

I like Hilary Duff, so I chose song that it is best song of another for me.
This song’s theme is broken heart, but it says that we have tomorrow and it’s so yesterday.
I like these parts.

“If you’re over me, I’m already over you If it’s all been done, what is left to do? How can you hang up if the line is dead? If you walk, I’m a step ahead If you’re moving on, I’m already gone If the light is off, then it isn’t on at least not today, not today, not day, `Cause if it’s over, let it go, and, Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday, I’m just a bird, that’s already flown away Laugh it off, let it go, and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday, Haven’t you heard, that I’m gonna be okay?”

I think this girl is very strong, so we can get more heart.

Ignore: to pay no attention something

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week4 task1

Space Storms

The current of solar wind's particle of plasma do interaction, and then accumulate them at plasma seat. They dive down to the inosphere very quickly, and collide with atmospheric particle, so they are excited state. When they return former condition, they radiate light.
They are Aurora.

I have never seen it, so I want to see it.
I think it's so beautiful.


valley: noun an area of low land between hills or mountains.
exporse: to show something that is usually hidden.
except: to exclude
particle: a very small piece of something

Week3 task3

American Airlines to roll out 'a la carte' pricing

American Airlines will be the first airlines in the U.S. to offer the a la carte pricing system.
customer are angry, because must pay for drink, blanket and baggage.

I think that I will be angry, because we pay more money for gas raise now, although customer don't want to pay more. I think air plane's service will be not good.
We can't help the gas raise, but I think other service shouldn't change.


features: something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing.
effort: something that takes a lot
entire: all thing
industry: the production of goods from row materials, especially in factories.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Week3 task2


I chose this news because hurricanes influence people and it is real, and I want to know about what's different typhoon.
This difference is place.
Hurricanes is middle of north America, and Typhoon is Asia.
Hurricanes renews big and small. It is dangerouse because it pushes water and then out of river.
Sometimes it occers inundation and gradually, the land falls. It is big problem.
We must consider provision for it.


definition: explaination of the meaning of a word or phrase.
intensify:fuly, violence
obsoletely:something is old

Week3 task1

This song expresses that he likes her but broke up.

This song said...

He meditates that if she is here... He doesn't listen to love song because it is just sad songs. He is tired by crying and he recollectes her,but he couldn't stop the radio.

I think he doesn't want to forget her, so he can't stop radio.

It's sad song, but I am attracted by this song.


ridiculouse:foolish, silly like that.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My name is Natsuko, I'm from Japan.
I live near the Nagoya, it is middle of Japan.
My birthday is July 25th, I'm 21 years old and I'm a summer girl.
"Natsu" means summer in Japanese and "ko" means children.
My hobbies are Japanese dance, shopping traveling and sleeping.
I also like drinking with my friends and eating.